


At the 菠菜网lol正规平台 卢里教育学院, we prepare transformative educators, counselors, 治疗师,学校和社区领袖. 我们通过解放的方法来做到这一点 across our teaching, scholarship, and service with a focus on four priority areas:

  • 社区 engaged: We strive to become the hub for community-centered, 教育al transformation in 该地区.
  • Culturally sustaining: We value and sustain the linguistic and cultural practices of the communities we serve 让它成为我们工作的基础.
  • Holistic: We foster a caring and supportive community of belonging, connectedness, 和欣赏.
  • Interdisciplinary: We learn together across and beyond 学院, transforming schooling 并使我们的社区受益.

View examples of our initial strategic plan initiatives and our racial justice priorities 在我们的 策略计划网页.



Heather Lattimer, EdD, is the Dean of the 卢里教育学院 at San José State 大学. Under her leadership, 学院 has experienced significant growth in student enrollment, increased diversity among students and faculty, and the development of new programs aimed at extending access to historically marginalized communities. Dr. Lattimer has deepened community partnerships and enhanced 学院's research productivity, further solidifying its reputation for academic excellence.

Dr. Lattimer holds degrees from prestigious institutions, including Harvard 大学, Stanford 大学, and the 大学 of California, San Diego. 她的学术和 professional journey reflects her commitment to equity, excellence, and innovation 在教育.

除了担任院长之外,Dr. 拉蒂默担任临时院长 College of 社会科学s and interim Vice Provost for Undergraduate 教育 at 菠菜网lol正规平台. She is also at the helm of the San José K16 Collaborative, an innovative, equity-driven, multi-institution partnership designed to create academic and career pathways in high-demand 字段.

Dr. Lattimer’s scholarly work is well-regarded in the 字段 of 教育 and literacy. Her research focuses on K12 literacy, college access, and teacher 教育. 她有 an extensive publication record, contributing widely to both academic and practiti一个r 观众. 



菠菜网lol正规平台 Lurie教育学院的定位是引领. 我们的教职员工和学生 在过去的一年里,你的工作是否出色. 我们传统课程的注册人数有所增加 programs and launched exciting new programs that extend our reach to new student populations. We’ve strengthened our commitment to 教育al equity and racial justice by investing resources in bold emancipatory initiatives and tackling structural challenges within 学院. We’ve amplified the impact of faculty-led research by strengthening our 社区伙伴关系和提高媒体参与度. 这些成就 Lurie College to lead our regional P-20 教育al ecosystem and to be a model nationally of what it means to be a truly transformative college of 教育.

阅读上文的《lol菠菜网正规平台》 以PDF格式查看.


康妮L. Lurie 

康妮L. Lurie

康妮Lurie's commitment to 教育 has had a tremendous impact on both San Jose 州立大学和湾区作为一个整体. 她对大学的奉献 her philanthropic spirit exemplify the ideals of the California State 大学.

康妮Lurie graduated from San José State with a bachelor's degree in elementary 教育 and psychology in 1964, admirably maintaining her connection to her alma 直到今天. She helped establish San Jose State's Connect Motivate Educate Society, which provides support and mentorship to former foster youth pursuing a college 教育. In 1998, she endowed the Lurie Author-in-Residence program at San Jose State, which attracts renowned national and international authors to serve as distinguished 访问艺术家/学者一至两个学期. 因为她的慈善事业 圣何塞州立大学的康妮. 卢里教育学院是 以她的名字命名.

来源: 加州州立大学网站



The 卢里教育学院 credential programs are accredited by the 加州教师资格认证委员会. The Masters Program in Speech Language Pathology is further accredited by the Council on Academic 认证 (CAA) in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, of the American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA).