2020-2021年学术目录 (归档目录)


大学学习目标 | 项目学习成果 | GE学习目标 | 课程学习成果


与附近的工业和社区合作, 菠菜网lol正规平台 faculty and staff are dedicated to achieving the university’s mission as a responsive institution of the state of California: To enrich the lives of its students, to transmit knowledge to its students along with the necessary 技能 for applying it in the service of our society, and to expand the base of knowledge through research and scholarship.机构金字塔-大学的使命在顶部, 机构学习目标, 通识教育和项目学习成果, 课程学习成果排在最后

Relationship of 课程学习成果 through the University 任务: Adapted from 国家学习成果评估研究所.


In 2013, 菠菜网lol正规平台 developed 大学学习目标 to uniquely define the 技能 and knowledge of San Jose State University graduates. These goals help students understand the purpose of their time at 菠菜网lol正规平台 and guide academic 规划 and curriculum development. 

The 菠菜网lol正规平台 experience is designed to ensure that students have the power to be lifelong learners and have successful futures. This preparation begins as students complete their general education requirements, 并继续通过上海州立大学的学习和专业学习.

Begin here to learn more about the goals 菠菜网lol正规平台 has for its students, and how those goals power the student experience from lower-division general education programs, 通过专业和专业, 以及顶点课程. 


The student learning experience at 菠菜网lol正规平台 is centered on helping students achieve seven important goals. These goals represent the 技能 and knowledge that power lifelong learning and career success. 圣何塞州立大学的毕业生将发展:

1. 社会及全球责任. An ability to consider the purpose and function of 一个’s degree program training within various local and/or global social contexts and to act intentionally, 认真, 在道德上注重多样性和包容性.

2. 专业知识. Depth of knowledge required for a degree, as appropriate to the discipline.

3. 知识技能

  1. 精通具体理论, 假设, 基础知识, 分析和解释协议, 工具, and technologies appropriate to the discipline or field of study. 

  2. Skills necessary for mastery of a discipline at a level appropriate to the degree and leading to lifelong learning, 包括批判性和创造性思维和实践, 有效的沟通, 全面和合乎道德的信息收集和处理, competence with quantitative and/or qualitative methodologies, 以及在协作活动中富有成效的参与. 

  3. For undergraduate students in a baccalaureate program: an understanding of critical comp一个nts of broad academic areas, 包括艺术, 人文学科, 社会科学, 定量推理, 与科学. 

4. 综合知识与技能

  1. Mastery in each step of an investigative, creative, or practical project (e.g., 头脑风暴, 规划, 提出假设或复杂的问题, 设计, 创建, 完成, and communicating) with integration within and/or across disciplines. 

  2. An ability to articulate the potential impacts of results or findings from a particular work or field in a societal context.

5. 应用知识. An ability to apply theory, practice, and problem solving to new materials, settings, and problems.  




Students who complete the General 教育 curriculum should be able to demonstrate:

  • Knowledge of Human Cultures and the Physical and Natural World
    (专注于参与重大问题, both contemporary and enduring through study in the sciences and mathematics, 社会科学, 人文学科, 历史, 语言, 和艺术)
  • 智力和实践技能
    (练习广泛, 整个课程, 在越来越具有挑战性的问题的背景下, 项目, 以及绩效标准)
  • 个人及社会责任
    (anchored through active involvement with diverse communities and real-world challenges)
  • 综合学习
    (通过知识的应用来证明, 技能, 以及对新环境和复杂问题的责任)

The advancement of academic discourse requires civility and a respectful attitude toward all in the expression and consideration of a variety of viewpoints. 所有 courses shall reinforce the ethical responsibility of students and instructors to acknowledge respectfully the learning styles and forms of expression of individuals and members of all groups.


受教育者的基本技能(A1-3, B4)  courses help build key 技能 for learning - communication and critical thinking. An educated person can communicate ideas effectively both verbally and in writing. Being able to organize and express ideas is a key part of learning. An educated person must also have strong reasoning powers in order to analyze critically all types of information. The 技能 courses within General 教育 provide an opportunity for students to gain and enhance critical communication and analytical 技能.


一个受过教育的人的基本知识 (B1-3, C1-2, D1-3, E)  courses help students gain the fundamental knowledge of an educated person. Students will have an opportunity to demonstrate an appreciation of the fundamentals of science, 艺术与文学, and the forces that shape the individual and modern society throughout the lifespan. This fundamental knowledge is crucial to understanding more advanced topics, 包括一个主要的研究领域


受教育者的综合知识(R, S, V, Z)  courses will help students become integrated thinkers who can see connections between and among a variety of concepts and ideas. An educated person will be able to apply concepts and foundations learned in 一个 area to other areas as part of a lifelong learning process. These courses will help students to live and work intelligently, 负责任的, and cooperatively in a multicultural society and to develop abilities to address complex issues and problems using disciplined analytical 技能 and creative techniques.


课程学习成果 are identified on each course syllabus (per University Policy S16-9).