Humans Subjects Research - Institutional Review Board (IRB)

菠菜网lol正规平台 uses a cloud-based submission and review system for IRB applications called IRB Mentor.

For IRB Mentor submission information, including how to manage pre-IRB Mentor approved 研究,请访问我们的 提交页面. View the information under the "Managing Pre-Mentor IRB Submissions" heading at the bottom of the page for information on your pre-Mentor IRB protocol.


  • 我的项目需要评审吗? Use our 排除决定工作表[pdf] to determine whether your work needs to be submitted to the IRB Office for review. This involves determining whether the work meets the federal definitions for "research" 和"人类受试者"." If, after using this worksheet, you determine that your work does not need to be submitted for review, please keep the worksheet for your records. This worksheet does not need to be submitted to our office and you do not need confirmation from our office to proceed with work that is excluded.

  • Access our 帮助和指导页面 for videos and related educational documents, to understand review types and associated timelines, and to familiarize yourself with common application problems and ways to avoid them.

  • Visit our 表格及文件 page to download informed consent templates and other forms or informational documents.

  • 确保你已经完成了一个 培训课程 if you are a faculty or staff member submitting your own protocol or supervising 学生的研究. The training is also recommended but not mandatory for students. Refresher 培训课程s are currently required every five years.

  • View our 提交页面 to get acquainted with the IRB Mentor submission system and to access user guides on how to accomplish various submissions in Mentor. 

Steps for Submitting Your Protocol for IRB Review

You may not begin ANY recruitment, enrollment, or data collection until you have received a formal approval letter from the 菠菜网lol正规平台 IRB, regardless of the review type associated 提交后. This includes submitting any formal requests for the use and 二次数据分析. If research data are collected prior to receiving IRB approval, you may not use that data in your research. The IRB does not retroactively issue approval.

  1. When submitting a new study refer to our 内部审查委员会提交资料核对表[pdf] 查看所需项目的摘要.

  2. Go to our 提交页面 for instructions on how to access IRB Mentor. 确保阅读相关用户 guides for navigating the Mentor system before you log in.

  3. Once you have completed your IRB application within IRB Mentor and uploaded all required documentation, you will submit your study by electronically signing the submission. If you are a student, you will be prompted to identify your faculty supervisor as 提交过程的一部分. Once you sign your submission, your faculty supervisor will be notified by an automated email to review and approve your submission before 它被交付给IRB. Your faculty supervisor may require edits before accepting 应用程序. If your faculty supervisor does not accept the submission, it will 而不是寄到IRB办公室.

  4. Check IRB Mentor for any status updates.

    The IRB Office will contact you with any questions, comments, request for revisions, 或者担心你的提交. Once a study has been determined to meet federal, state, and institutional criteria for approval, you will receive an approval letter via email. The research team will then be able to begin subject recruitment, enrollment, 数据收集.


菠菜网lol正规平台 investigators with an external IRB approval should visit our Collaborative and External Studies page for details on what will be needed to register their external IRB approval within the IRB Mentor system in order to allow the IRB office to initiate a reliance agreement 与审查IRB.


All post approval reporting is handled via the IRB Mentor system. 这包括: modifications to an approved protocol, reporting incidents and study deviations, continuing review renewals or study status check-ins, and study closures.

For information on how to file these post approval reports please visit our 提交页面 and review our IRB Mentor User Guide for Post-Approval Reporting [pdf].