Definitions of Prohibited Conduct

第九条和平等机会办公室的任务是执行潜在的违规行为 of the CSU Nondiscrimination Policy. The CSU Nondiscrimination Policy prohibits the following conduct: 

  1. Discrimination based on any Protected Status 
  2. Harassment based on any Protected Status
  3. Sexual Harassment 
  4. Sexual Misconduct 
  5. Sexual Exploitation
  6. Dating and Domestic Violence
  7. Stalking based on Sex
  8. Prohibited Consensual Relationships
  9. Related Retaliation

因为这些定义可能很长,而且可能感觉过于复杂,所以我们进行了简化 them below for ease of reference. 但是,请注意,这些简化的定义 are not the governing definitions. For the complete definitions, refer to the CSU Nondiscrimination Policy. 

受保护的状态包括年龄、残疾、性别、性别认同、性别表达、 遗传信息、婚姻状况、医疗状况、国籍、种族或民族; 宗教,性取向,退伍军人身份.


1. Protected Status Discrimination

当一个人因为他们的受保护状态而遭受不利行为时,就会发生这种情况. 不利行为是指对被影响者产生实质性负面影响的行为 个人参与大学课程、活动或就业的能力. 

当某人以受保护的身份对待一个人/群体时,就可能发生歧视 differently than another person/group (e.g., paying men more than women for performing the same job). 当别人的决定影响到自己时,歧视也可能发生 与另一个人/组不同的人/组(e).g., hiring more men than women for a certain type of job). 


2. Protected Status Harassment

is any unwelcome conduct that is: 

  1. severe or pervasive; and 
  2. engaged in because of another’s Protected Status; and
  3. 严重限制或干扰患者的工作、学习、 或者参加大学的活动或项目.


  1. 服从或拒绝不受欢迎的行为是影响的决定的基础 某人的就业或学业状况/进展,或 
  2. 接受不受欢迎的行为被作为雇佣的条款或条件 (e.g.“如果你想在这里工作,你最好容忍这种行为”). 


3. Sexual Harassment

is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature (e.g., verbal or nonverbal sexual advances or requests for sexual favors) where:

  1. 对不受欢迎的性行为的服从取决于学术地位/进步, employment, pay benefits, title or other opportunities; or
  2. 行为过于严重、持久或普遍,以致其影响受到限制 参与或受益于大学的服务、活动的能力 or opportunities; or
  3. 行为严重、持久或普遍,以致于其效果产生 an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.


4. Sexual Misconduct


参与性活动的每个人必须确保他们首先获得同意 from the other participant(s). 

A few rules on Consent: 

  1. 必须在没有胁迫、武力、威胁或恐吓的情况下给予同意.
  2. 没有抗议或抵抗并不意味着同意.
  3. Silence does not mean consent.
  4. Consent can be withdrawn or revoked at any time.
  5. 同意一种形式的性活动并不意味着同意其他形式的性活动 activity.
  6. 先前的性行为不代表对未来性行为的同意.
  7. Consent cannot 如果病人失去知觉、无反应、睡着或因酒精而丧失行为能力,应给予治疗 and/or drugs; a minor; or unable to communicate due to their mental or physical condition.


5. Sexual Exploitation

列出了一系列禁止的行为这些行为都涉及到性利用 某人未经同意为了另一个人的利益(如.g., prostituting another person or sex trafficking). 

Other forms of Sexual Exploitation include: 

  1. 对他人的性活动或亲密行为的记录(图片、音频或视频) parts without consent.
  2. 分发他人性行为的任何图像或视频/音频记录 活动或私密部分,如果图像或音频的分销商知道/应该 是否知道未经同意的分发.
  3. 未经同意观看他人的性活动或亲密部位 in a place where there is an expectation of privacy.


6. Dating & Domestic Violence

Dating Violence 指对曾经/正在恋爱的人进行身体暴力/威胁 or “dating” relationship with the offender. Factors used to determine whether there 曾经/现在的“约会”关系包括:1)关系的长度和类型; and 2) how often they interacted. 

Domestic Violence 指对现任或前任配偶的身体/威胁身体暴力 the offender; a co-parent with the offender; or any other domestic relationship recognized under CA state law.   

欲知更多有关家庭暴力的资料和资源,请浏览 国家家庭暴力资源中心网页.


7. Stalking

针对某个人的行为是否会引起他们的恐惧 为了自己的安全(或他人的安全)或遭受严重的情绪困扰. 跟踪可能发生在个人,网上,或通过电话/短信. 

有关跟踪的更多信息和资源,请访问 跟踪预防、意识和资源中心网页.


8. A Prohibited Consensual Relationship

员工和学生之间是有性关系还是恋爱关系 employees when one has authority over the other.    


9. Retaliation


  1. made a report to the Office for Title IX and Equal Opportunity; or
  2. Title IX and Equal Opportunity; or 
  3. 反对他们有理由认为违反不歧视原则的行为 Policy.