
We are pleased to share the success of 菠菜网lol正规平台's principal investigators who were awarded the following grants 和 contracts during 2021年8月:

25 奖 Received: Valued at $9,071,300

查尔斯W. 戴维森工程学院

Role of Microgrids in the Electricity Ecosystem of the Future: A-CPS Design
赞助商: 惠普公司——62,045美元

Reactive Ion Plasma Treatment of Cardiovascular Biomaterials to Underst和 the Effect of Nanotopography on Endothelialization
赞助商: 卫生署 & 人类服务部- 140460美元

Collaborative Research: SHF: Small: Secure Deep Learning Computing on GPUs
赞助商: National 科学 Foundation – $160,241

Intelligent Systems 研究和 Development Support-3 (ISRDS-3)
赞助商: KBR Wyle服务有限责任公司- 7,225美元

Liat罗森菲尔德 塔米Visintainer, Biomedical 工程, Chemical 和 Materials 工程
RET Site: Multidisciplinary Teacher Research Experience in 工程 
赞助商: National 科学 Foundation – $600,000


朗达Holberton Revathi Krishnaswamy、艺术 & 艺术历史
Hiding in Plain Sight: To Support the Production & 多学科展览 Interpretative Responses to Historical 档案 in 硅谷
赞助商: National Endowment for the Arts – $20,000

香农·米勒, 安阿吉, 克里斯蒂娜Mune、人文 & 阿兹,院长办公室
Grounding the Digital Humanities at San Jose State University
赞助商: National Endowment for the Humanities – $76,590


W苏兹描述当时的情景. Aiello莫斯兰丁海洋实验室
ESNERR 历史 和 Topography to Improve Decision-making for Estuary Restoration (HiTIDER)
赞助商: Elkhorn Slough Foundation – $352,122

Monitoring American Pika Occupancy 和 Population Pressures in Northwestern Nevada
赞助商: University of Nevada, Reno – $25,000

罗斯P. 克拉克莫斯兰丁海洋实验室
Conservation 创新 Grant (USDA) Project
赞助商: The Resource Conservation District of Monterey County – $64,499

克雷格·B. 克莱门茨、气象 & 气候科学
Collaborative Proposal: Sundowner Winds Experiment in Santa Barbara, CA (SWEX)
赞助商: National 科学 Foundation – $99,119

伊莱恩·D. 柯林斯院长办公室,科学
菠菜网lol正规平台 MESA SCHOOLS PROGRAM LCPA (Latino College Preparatory Academy)
赞助商: Latino College Preparatory Academy – $5,105

菠菜网lol正规平台 MESA Schools Program ARUESD Agreement
赞助商: Alum Rock Union School District – $51,531

菠菜网lol正规平台 MESA SCHOOLS PROGRAM RCLA (Roberto Cruz Leadership 学院)协议2019-2022
赞助商: Roberto Cruz Learning Academy – $5,105

斯科特·L. 汉密尔顿莫斯兰丁海洋实验室
Evaluating Performance of California’s MPA Network through the Lens of S和y Beach 和冲浪区生态系统
赞助商: 加州大学圣巴巴拉分校- $57,669

卫斯理一. 海姆莫斯兰丁海洋实验室
PG&E Diablo Canyon Power Plant Project
赞助商: 太平洋燃气 & 电力公司- 159,477美元

希拉里·赫斯特, 伊桑·哈塔米, 王晓勇、物理 & 天文学
Collaborative Research: NRT-QL: A Program for Training a Quantum Workforce
赞助商: National 科学 Foundation – $739,029

Collaborative Research: Predator Facilitation Across a Variable Marine Environment
赞助商: National 科学 Foundation – $45,000

Richard M. 斯塔尔莫斯兰丁海洋实验室
Monitoring 和 Evaluation of Mid-Depth Rocky Reef Ecosystems in the MLPA Marine Protected 区域网络
赞助商: 加州大学圣地亚哥分校- $1,735,500

约瑟夫·布兰登·怀特 莱昂内尔E. Cheruzel、生物科学
MRI: Acquisition of HPLC Coupled Mass Spectrometer for Proteomics, Metabolomics, Small Molecule Applications to Exp和 & 升级菠菜网lol正规平台蛋白质实验室
赞助商: National 科学 Foundation – $772,198


肖恩·P. Laraway、心理学
Human Systems Integration: Collaborative Human Factors Research to Improve the 安全, Efficiency, Reliability of NASA's Aeronautics 和 Space Missions
赞助商: NASA - 2,193,129美元

苏珊·M. Snycerski、心理学
Future Vertical Lift: Collaborative Research on 飞行控制, Autonomous Rotorcraft, 以及人机界面设计
赞助商: NASA: 772,762美元

San Jose State University 研究基金会 (菠菜网lol正规平台RF) Service Navigation- 2021-2022
赞助商: 圣克拉拉县- 744,445美元

菠菜网lol正规平台 Record Clearance Project On-Line Legal Services Support
赞助商: 圣克拉拉县:2.5万美元


赞助商: Institute of Museum 和 Library Services – $158,049