Exploring MLML

Meet a few of the researchers from the world-renowned Moss Landing Marine Laboratories.

Ivano Aiello

Ivano AielloIvano Aiello has traveled the world’s seas in pursuit of knowledge about what lies underneath the ocean. He recently returned from a research cruise through the equatorial 印度洋和太平洋以及印度尼西亚海道. 他和一组船员进行了科学实验 drilling on the sea floor, collecting core sediments from hundreds of meters below the sea floor surface. Those sediment samples, which he brought back to Moss Landing Marine Labs (MLML) for study, will provide clues to the earth’s climate history.

A professor of Geological Oceanography, Aiello’s research also includes exploration of local coastal environments, including Elkhorn Slough and Monterey Bay beaches and sea cliffs. He and his students conduct analyses of erosion, elevation, and sedimentation in those areas, assessing small-scale geomorphologic change. Their data will also 为本地湿地恢复作出贡献.

“The Central California coastal environment is changing rapidly,” he explains. “What we learn in the Monterey Bay can be translated to other areas along California’s shoreline, and may eventually help us to mitigate the effects of sea level and climate changes.”


Graduate student Tyler Barnes analyzes sand particles from Moss Landing Beach using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) equipped with an X-ray microprobe (EDX) as part of
his thesis project on monitoring changes in beach volume and composition along the 蒙特利湾的海岸. 这些设备是用一项研究的资金购买的 grant awarded to Ivano Aiello by NSF-Major Research Instrumentation.

Grant funding: Elkhorn Slough Foundation; International Ocean Discovery Program; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; UC San Diego

Wesley Heim 

Wesley Heim“People who catch fish in the delta and eat them are ingesting mercury.”

So explains Wes Heim, director of the Marine Pollution Studies Laboratory at Moss Landing Marine Labs. Widely used in gold mining operations in the 1800s, mercury dispersed 进入塞拉流域. 随着时间的推移,它穿过该州的河流和小溪 最后来到了旧金山海湾三角洲.

Identifying ways to reduce the mercury burden is his team’s goal.

Heim and MLML graduate students are examining how mercury in the Delta is impacting nearby agriculture, pasture land, and the climate, and are researching processes by which the mercury could bypass the Delta and decrease the burden on the fish there.

A graduate of the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Master’s degree program at MLML himself, Wes both encourages 并取决于学生的实地研究.

“Our students are making genuine contributions to MLML research. They are prepared to pursue Ph.D. 在世界任何地方获得学位或从事实地研究.”


Valerie Loeb

Valerie LoebA renowned expert on zooplankton, notably larval fish and Antarctic krill, Valerie Loeb has spent much of her career deciphering the impact of climate variability on marine ecosystems. Her research efforts have spanned from the north Pacific to Chile and South Africa. She began research off the Antarctic Peninsula in 1984 and was a contract scientist with the NOAA Antarctic Marine Living Resources Program from 1987 to 2010, heading the zooplankton component during annual research cruises. Working with colleagues in physical oceanography and primary productivity, she examined ecosystem 季节、年和更长时间尺度上的变率.

Loeb recently conducted a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded research effort across Drake Passage, examining zooplankton species assemblages with relation to physical oceanographic conditions between South America and Antarctica.

While her research accomplishments are vast, Loeb is a also a committed advisor and 导师热情地让学生参与研究.

“The wonderful thing here at 莫斯兰丁海洋实验室 is the diverse array of topics 对研究生来说,”她说. “我们提供与海事相关的课程以及涵盖 统计学、分子技术和科学写作.”

资助项目:美国国家科学基金会极地项目办公室. 1347911


罗斯·克拉克,凯文·奥康纳A team of researchers at 莫斯兰丁海洋实验室 has built a working laboratory to investigate a highly effective technology, called a wood-chip bioreactor, to remove 农业径流中的硝酸盐.

“Wood chip bioreactors have been shown to remove nitrates from water in pilot settings, but now we’ve installed one at-scale in a true working environment,” explains Ross Clark, an MLML researcher, director of the Central Coast Wetlands Group (CCWG), and 湿地修复专家.

生物反应器实验室由12个平行的沟槽组成. 三种不同的治疗方法 will be investigated, in partnership with researchers at Cal State Monterey Bay, to determine the most effective type of wood chip bioreactors for our coastal climate. Located in Moro Cojo Slough, it is the first of its kind to be put into operation in California. Drainage water is routed through the trenches, and the bacteria in 木屑消耗了高达50%的硝酸盐.

“An essential component of the project is comprehensive documentation,” says Kevin CCWG项目经理O 'Connor说. “记录我们的成就将使我们 to work with other coastal communities to reproduce what we have done.”

Grant funding: California Department of Food and Agriculture
