2021年11月 Grants and Contracts

We are pleased to share the success of 菠菜网lol正规平台's principal investigators who were awarded grants and contracts during 2021年11月:

17 奖 Received: Valued at $775,625.44


王云,Guna Selvaduray, 生物医学工程
Fit and Usability Comparison of Face Masks
赞助商: Atmos生命科学有限公司. – $14,957.00

王晓勇, 电气工程
Circuit Simulation, Carrier Transport Physics Characterization and BTI Reliability MST的建模
赞助商: Atomera——50127美元.00

人文学科 & 艺术

约书亚·鲍尔, Health 科学 and Recreation
KCCB BioBlitz and 连接 to Nature Study
赞助商: Santa Clara Valley Water District – $5,000.00


Mohamed Abousalem 研究处
The City of San Jose 2021 Resident Survey - 菠菜网lol正规平台
赞助商: 硅谷 Community Foundation – $33,042.00


凯萨琳Wong 总统办公室
Santa Clara County Hate Crimes Task Force Contract
赞助商: Santa Clara County – $250,000.00


伊莱恩·D. 柯林斯 科学,院长办公室
菠菜网lol正规平台 MESA Schools Program ESUHSD Agreement
赞助商: 东区联盟H.S. 地区- $102,102.52
菠菜网lol正规平台 MESA Schools Program - Downtown College Prep
赞助商: Downtown College Prep – $19,934.30

罗西奥·伊利亚纳·库利, Moss Landing海洋实验室
Rapid Response to Understanding Causes, Impacts, and Treatments of Thiamine Deficiency 加州三文鱼
赞助商: 加州大学戴维斯分校- $19,996.00

亚当•Kochanski 气象学 & 气候科学
Understanding Urban and Wildland Fire Dynamics
赞助商: Lawrence Livermore National Labratory – $34,991.00

蒂莫西·P. 斯坦顿, Moss Landing海洋实验室
Technical Support for Flux Instrument Package Integration for IceNode Vehicle
赞助商: Jet Propulsion Laboratory – $32,213.00

爱德华•桑顿 Moss Landing海洋实验室
Coastal Land-Air-Sea Interaction- Thornton Portion
赞助商: Office of Naval Research – $9,980.00

张燕,Dashiell Fryer, 数学 & 统计数据
赞助商: Ethereum Foundation – $25,000.00


Katherine Kao Cushing, Michael Oye, 环境研究
CommUniverCity: Community Services Program 2021-22
赞助商: 圣何塞市——10.5万美元.00

卡西J. Hilditch, 心理学
2021 Fatique Management Training for San Francisco Bar Pilots
赞助商: California Maritime Academy – $6,000.00

肖恩·P. Laraway, 心理学
Test Subject Recruitment Office - Task Order No. 2
赞助商: ASRC Management Services – $52,122.62

袁岳, 司法研究
Methods to Cost Crime Victimization: Statistical Modelling with Integrated and Survey Data to Comprehensively Measure Harm
赞助商: NORC at the University of Chicago – $1,300.00


艾米丽K. 陈,罗丽丽, 大学图书馆
National Forum on the Assessment of Scholarly Communication
赞助商: 科罗拉多州立大学,萨克拉门托——13860美元.00